Lawn Bowling Hand Signals(ローンボウリングで使われるジェスチャー)
ローンボウルズには,世界共通で使われる “Hand Signals(手を使って表現するジェスチャー)” が存在します。
1.Skip indicating the desired delivery distance of the jack
2.Centering the jack
3.Skip indicating the loction of the jack
4.Skip indicating the desired placement of your next bowl
5.Skip requesting forehand or backhand bowl
6.Skip requesting increased force on your next bowl
7.Skip indicating the distance the bowl has stopped short of the jack
8.Skip indicating the distance the bowl has stopped behind the jack
9.Skip indicating that the bowl has stopped even with the jack
10.Indicating that the bowl is “In Bounds”
(ボウルがサイドラインを越えず, 有効であることを示すとき)
11.Indicating that teh bowl is “Out of Bounds”
(ボウルがサイドラインを越えて, 無効であることを示すとき)
12.Measurement required to determine the closest bowl
13.Indicating location of your team and opponents bowl
14.Question “Are we up or down?”
15.Indicating present points for your team
16.Indicating opponents score